January 11, 2009


Sorry about not posting in such a long time but i have had the Stomach flu. NOT FUN at all. I got sick about 7 or 8 times and the first one was at 1o:30 pm on Monday night. It was luckly only a 24 hour thing so i was better on tuesday around 5 pm or so. I missed school but lucky me had no homework other than vocab that Wednesday. I was so happy to get sick because it helped my stomach feel so much better. I am so glad it is over now though. I am so busy with my birthday coming up and our family not having enough money to pay our bills or anything. I am so scared. Hopefully god can keep us safe and somehow have a miracle happen to be able to pay these huge bills. Please do keep us in your prayers. WE need almost 1,000 dollars just to pay for these bills.

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